About Dave Powell

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my website. Please feel free to tell me what you think.

I have been married for 38 years come this July to Lavonne. Lavonne and I have four grown sons and six perfect grandchildren with two more on the way soon. Lavonne was born in Crescent City and was raised in Smith River. I, on the other hand, have only been here since 1979…a new comer… Lavonne and I owned and operated PFI (Powell Family Industries) Cabinets, a local custom cabinet shop for 18 years. We had a local computer services company for a few years and then participated in another computer services company with a local accounting firm. hen in 2004 we went on staff at a local church as youth pastors. During this whole time we have been part of Simpco Lands, a land development company owned by Lavonne’s family. Simpco Lands is a land development company. I have spent my whole adult life working with land…selling, buying, developing, etc. And now I am a realtor at Investment Realty. Being a realtor seems to be the cumulation of all of my different and varied careers. This is really a great fit for me and Investment Realty is a really great place for me to be doing it!

Here is my contact info:

Cell: 707-218-8383

email: dave@davepowell.realtor